If you're getting into the fast-paced 2022 Real Estate Market, you're going to need some guidance. The Mark Buckner Group helped more than 65 people find their place in Chicago in 2021 alone, so we've got a pretty good idea of what works for sellers. We've rounded up some of the best tips for selling and we're sharing them with you today.

Clear Your Gutters

Clear your gutters of leaves to avoid clogging from a storm. Add it to your checklist! Proactive steps like this can save you thousands in home repairs down the line.

Protect Those Pipes

Insulate hose bibs and disable sprinklers to protect against frozen pipes. Burst pipes can be incredibly expensive to repair, as is water damage.

Chimney Maintenance

Service your chimney and open the fireplace flue during each use. Regular maintenance to your chimney will keep it clear and reduce fire risk. If you have a wood-burning fire, no matter what type of appliance or fireplace it is, your system requires a flue. It may be inside a chimney or a simple flue pipe—but the flue is the duct by which smoke and waste gases exit the home. Keeping it open during use will allow the fireplace smoke to clear properly.