Calling all home sellers! People are cashing out of their houses for maximum dollars.

Why? Extremely high demand.

There are just not enough properties out there for all the buyers. I'm also sure you've heard of some of the nightmare stories that you've heard from sellers about dealing with the extreme demand and then the obstacles that you face once your house goes under contract well the Mark Buckner Group is here to help you navigate that and empower you to make the process as smooth as possible

I know you love your home, I love mine.

I've really done a great job maintaining my home. It's a labor of love, but home inspectors are gonna find things that we just don't know.

They're gonna go through it with a fine-tooth comb, and it's gonna bring up issues and mixed feelings and emotion. I'm here. We'll guide you through it to minimize the pain, minimize the cost, and the time.

Lastly, there are the appraisers. The bank hires them to determine the value of your property. Sometimes, their opinions are wrong, and the appraisal comes in low. I've navigated these issues various times, and have been successful.

There are also ways to educate buyers on how to submit an offer. For more tips, more questions, call me at 312-957-7745.