Spring Roof Maintenance | Mark Buckner Group

Just like you guys, out there I'm often looking at properties to purchase. Just put a multi-unit under contract, doing the home inspection.

We're on the roof taking a look at the condition; it's gonna need some work but nothing that overly concerns me. I can factor that into my budget.

The seller's done some nice work on his masonry which I love. This is a great bonus for me; let's take a look at some of this stuff.

So here you have some nice new tuckpointing, some new driplets, they reinstalled all the limestone which is really nice. We're gonna have to redo that overall tuck job. I can milk it along got our AC units up here, but you can see some areas where the roof membrane's starting to buckle.

We've got some puddling here almost like a little bit of a dam, and if I step on it it's a little crusty. I could do some patching, replace some of the membrane patches, repair it give it a new silver coat, and extend this life.

Compare this to tearing it off right away which is not in the budget, but updating the roof and maintaining it will keep it functional for a while.

I wanted to point out some differences in the tuck point that the seller's done. I suspect some of these chimneys are ones that he currently uses and some he doesn't.

Here's one sample of a really nice one. The seller rebuilt the whole brick, where the old brick was concrete.

This is a nice flute then put a lid on it with a cage so no debris can get down more animals but here's one that really needs work right away.