Make Your Home More Energy-Efficient With These Green Home Improvements
Whether you are a homeowner planning a major remodel or a seller preparing to put their home on the market, an important factor you have to consider is the products and materials you will use. This time, why not try to become more environmentally conscious when remodeling your home? You can ...
The Tax Benefits That Homeowners Can Enjoy
Is this your first year filing your taxes as a homeowner? If yes, then you're in for some sweet treats. There are certain deductions you are entitled to and can take advantage of to lower your tax bill. Some of these tax breaks can be a one-time deduction or recurring on the life of your ...
The 7 Worst Things To Do When Remodeling Your Bathroom
Remodeling a bathroom is nothing like a piece of cake or a walk in the park because it's an essential part of the house that involves complicated plumbing. You have to make sure that the new fixtures you choose will not only fit the design but also the bathroom’s layout. You also need to ...
Watch Out! These Neighborhood Features Can Drag Down Your Home's Value
While there are certain home improvements you can add to your home to boost its resale value, there are also many external factors that can devalue your greatest investment. This is why the real estate cliché saying “location, location, location” will never be debunked or ...
Understanding The Roles Of Different Real Estate Experts
There are all sorts of questions that arise when you need to start seeking the help of a real estate professional, and one of the most common is: Who does what? The real estate industry is a complex system comprised of different key players, and the role of each person can sometimes be a ...
How To Make The Most Of Using Your 401(k) On A Home
Raising the money for a down payment on a home could be the most challenging step towards homeownership. One way to get the amount you need is to borrow against your 401(k)--although there are numerous options you can consider depending on what's wise for you at the moment.But first, ...
Home Viewing Etiquette For Buyers
Before landing your dream home, the first order of business would be the initial process of finding it. Buyers should expect a lot of tours before finding “the one”--but although sellers are often the ones who have to “impress,” buyers should not be too lax about their ...
How To Pull Off A Long Distance Move To Your New Home
Congratulations, you just purchased a new house and are now ready to move. The hassle of the home buying process is over, but the settling-in process is not quite done yet. While the hassle of moving your things can sometimes be unnoticeable because of all the excitement, it wouldn't hurt to ...
Important Factors That Affect Your Mortgage Application
Want to know what lenders look at when they evaluate your loan application? It's a combination of things.Banks evaluate your attitude towards debt, predict your future income based on past and current employment, and measure your seriousness to purchase a home by asking how much down payment ...