Common Closing Costs To Prepare For When Selling Your Home
If you're planning to sell your home, take note that buyers aren’t the only ones who have to pay closing costs. Sellers also need to shoulder a variety of closing costs, and it’s something you need to factor into the sale price since most of it will be deducted from the profit on ...
7 Potential Red Flags To Watch Out For When House Hunting
Buying a home is exciting and challenging. You'll get to see different properties, each with its own features and personalities. But purchasing a home is also a huge financial commitment—you can’t just get carried away due to excitement at the cost of overlooking important details ...
A First-Time Home Buyer's Guide to Down Payment Assistance Programs
What is the most difficult part of buying a home? For many first-time buyers, their biggest hurdle is coming up with enough money for the down payment. In the National Association of Realtors® 2019 Profile of Home Buyers And Sellers, buyers cited that student loans, credit card debt and ...
9 Refreshing Ways To Decorate Your Home With Plants
It's a given: plants are perfect living accessories. Aside from their many health benefits, they make fantastic home decorations because they can add so much life and color to any room or space. Having house plants is also another way to appreciate your home more.  ...
Upgrades That Will Not Increase The Value of Your Home
Part 3 of Everything You Need To Know About Your Home's Value series Here are home improvement projects that may not increase the value of your property, and could even bring it down when it's time for you to sell. You might want to keep these things in mind before ...
Home Improvements and Repairs That Add The Most Value
Part 2 of Everything You Need To Know About Your Home's Value series In the real estate industry's viewpoint, a home’s condition can be classified into four categories: poor, fair, good, and excellent. Whenever you’re considering any renovation for your ...
5 Good Reasons Why You Should Know the Value Of Your Property
PART 1 of Everything You Need To Know About Your Home's Value series Your home is your greatest asset. When you know more about your home and its value, the more empowered you are to make informed decisions regarding your property. Whether a sale is imminent or not, ...
5 Easy Tips and Tricks to Make Your Kitchen Look More Organized
In this pandemic age, our ability to go out and eat at our favorite restaurants has been limited. This is why we're becoming more acquainted with our kitchens especially in the last few months. We’re cooking more and doing a lot more cleaning since almost everyone is staying at ...
Don't Forget to Ask These Questions During A Virtual Home Tour
Open houses and home tours are quickly turning into virtual events as part of the “new normal” during this pandemic. If you need to buy a home soon yet still can't attend in-person showings due to state or city restrictions and social distancing, a virtual home tour is your best ...
5 Best Practices For Home Buyers to Make The Most of Virtual Showings
The real estate industry is slowly bouncing back in many states. However, many brokerages and offices continue to keep the business as contactless as possible. Likewise, buyers may still feel hesitant walking through a stranger's house, and sellers may be wary of allowing other people to enter ...
Tips for Moving Safely to a New Home During the Coronavirus Pandemic
The COVID-19 pandemic has put a stop to many of our daily activities and routines. It has also forced us to practice our “new normal”, such as maintaining social distancing and following stay-at-home orders as much as possible. Many businesses have been affected, and the real ...
Video Conference Backgrounds You Can Use on Your Next Virtual Meeting
Having a work from home option is a huge advantage during this pandemic, especially since stay-at-home or shelter-in-place orders are still being enforced. This is why video conferencing and online meetings among companies are now the new norm. If you're one of those who have such a set-up but ...