Buying a Home May Make More Financial Sense Than Renting

If rising home prices leave you wondering if it makes more sense to rent or buy a home in today’s housing market, consider this. It’s not just home prices that have risen in recent years – rental prices have skyrocketed as well.

7 Ways To Minimize Unnecessary Costs When Moving
Whatever the reason behind your move, whether you're buying your first home, you’ve got a new job in a different city, or you want to be closer to your loved ones and relatives, among others, relocating is no small venture. There are many factors to consider: finding the time and energy ...
Why Pre-Approval Is a Game Changer for Homebuyers

If you’re planning to buy a home this year, you might have heard that pre-approval is a necessary step to take before starting out on your journey. But why is that? And is it still important in today’s shifting market?

Housing Experts Say This Isn’t a Bubble

With so much talk about an economic slowdown, some people are asking if the housing market is heading for a crash like the one in 2008. To really understand what’s happening with real estate today, it’s important to lean on the experts for reliable information.

Summer Is The Best Time to Tackle These 5 Home Improvement Projects
If you're a homeowner, aside from lounging by a swimming pool or throwing a few backyard barbecues, the warmer months are also the perfect time to tackle some improvement projects around your house and yard. The beautiful weather conditions give you ample time to assess, repair, and make ...
7 Listing Photo Mistakes To Avoid When Selling Your Home
A photograph can be worth more than a thousand words. This is especially true in real estate. You might have the most desirable house in the neighborhood, but if you do not take and post the right pictures, your home will not appeal to as many buyers. In the 2021 National Association of ...
Things To Avoid After Applying for a Home Loan

Once you’ve applied for a mortgage to buy a home, there are some key things to keep in mind. While it’s exciting to start thinking about moving in and decorating, be careful when it comes to making any big purchases. Here are a few things you may not realize you need to avoid after ...

Why You Should Start Your Home Selling Journey By Decluttering
If you're planning to put your house on the market anytime soon, the biggest task isn’t to address repairs or start renovations, as these require lengthy planning since they can be time-consuming and costly. The main task you should prioritize as a potential home seller is ...
Pausing Your Property Search

Are you considering pausing your property search? Waiting for the market to cool off may seem like a good idea. However, you are inevitably leaving time and money on the table. This week, we're going over our top 3 reason's NOT to pause your investment property search.

Are We in a Housing Bubble? | The Mark Buckner Group

If you want to own a home or invest in real estate, there is never a perfect time. Every situation offers pros and cons, but doing nothing is rarely a good idea. This week, Mark is showing how current market data points to us NOT being in a bubble, and what we can expect in the future. ...

Investing in Real Estate | Mark Buckner Group

Is one of your 2022 goals investing in real estate? Thinking about buying a duplex, 6-unit, or a 25-unit property? In this video, Mark Buckner shares his tips for investing in real estate and a recent experience he had with the process.

These 3 Organizing Tips Can Actually Cause More Harm Than Good
Searching for inspiration to help you organize your home isn't difficult nowadays. There is already an abundance of tips, tricks, and strategies from TV shows, magazines, and the internet to motivate you into taking on such a challenging task. The images of tidy closets or a perfectly ...
What Does it Mean to Be "House Poor" and How to Avoid it?
If you're a first-time buyer who's only just started your house-hunting journey, you might have heard the expression, house poor. Many of us are familiar with the term and understand it carries negative connotations, yet we do not know what it means.  ...
May Market Update | The Mark Buckner Group

Today, we're taking a look at how the Chicago real estate market has changed this year, and where it's going. Many are seeing current trends as a sign that we are in a housing bubble. However, the numbers we are looking at today indicate home prices aren't going down any time soon.

Finding The One: 4 Ways House-Hunting is Like Dating
It's love at first sight. The one that made your heart skip a beat. Maybe it was the charmer, the one needing a little bit of work, or even the one that got away. No, we are not talking about a love match. We are talking about the house hunting journey. Finding your perfect dream home is ...