Mark Buckner
Real Estate Advisor

Mark Buckner
Real Estate Advisor

Licensing: 477013953

Here is the short version: I was born and raised on the south side of Chicago by parents with an immigrant work ethic. At age 10, on my days off school, I started following my father around at work. I learned the value of a dollar and hard work by pounding stakes, shoveling concrete and assisting my father with managing his rental properties.

Throughout my education at the University of Chicago and professional experience as a psychotherapist in behavioral health care, I learned about the importance of empathy and starting where your client is when trying to help them. These skills have transferred nicely into a career in real estate as a developer and as a Real Estate Consultant.

I have purchased, remodeled, and sold two primary residences, as well as purchased two multi- investment properties and various lots that I have developed and sold. I have a solid understanding of the time commitment, focus, hard work and market analysis that is required to find you the perfect property, at the right price and with the least amount of stress. In the fast-paced field of real estate, I am continuously thinking out of the box to maintain an edge against the competition in order to apply a strategic approach in pricing and marketing your property all while finding the right buyer for your home.

I pride myself on being a deal maker and teaming up with experienced professionals to ensure a smooth process from to close. My passion, hunger and around the clock work ethic combined with my willingness to go the extra mile while building solid relationships continues to be the foundation of my success. If you do not believe me, see what my clients are saying about me.

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