Yo, Yo, Yo!

Hey, Mark Buckner here, and I'm back! Today, I wanted to share a little bit of a personal experience.

So the other day my wife was underneath the weather, and my oldest was working, so I grabbed my youngest daughter Marigold for a little work-day/fun-day.

I know you've probably heard me say it before, but I have a hard time balancing two of my great loves, work, and family, so I love to merge these two together.

Marigold and I headed out to one of our investment properties, in old Irvine Park and we started the day out with a little manual labor. We did some leaf cleanup, and then, since I had just had a roofer out doing a new roof installation, I wanted to get on there and check it out.

I love an opportunity to teach Marigold a little bit about construction, and property management, and I like to try to keep it fun. So what's better than jumping on the roof?

After that, we went for a little reward for the manual labor. We stopped at Dinkle's Bakery for some good old-fashioned donuts. Goldie has never been, and it’s somewhere everyone should stop at least once in their lifetime.

From there we headed over to a couple of listings that I have. I wanted to make sure everything was ready for the final walkthrough, so the closings went real smooth this week.

Then she and I wrapped up today with dinner. We headed over to Parsons Chicken and Fish for our favorite chicken sandwiches. I got a little private convo with her, which was awesome for me.

We wrapped everything up by stopping at Summer House for our favorite cookies and movie night at the house, just her and I. It was a perfect day for me, I love getting time with her.

Anway, remember Girls rule, Boys drool, daughters rock, and I'm a lucky guy.

Thanks for listening, ciao!