Debunking 5 Common Credit Score Myths That Many Home Buyers Believe
When it comes time to buy a home, a good credit score boosts your chances of getting a mortgage because it shows lenders or mortgage companies that you are likely to pay a loan on time. Thus, having a bad credit score can be a massive barrier towards homeownership. This is why understanding ...
5 Cleaning Habits You Need To Break for Better Housekeeping
Cleaning is tough, but it's something we need to do consistently to take care of our humble abode. Not to mention it’s a crucial task to keep our family and home safe in this pandemic age. But since it’s a tedious job, we’re often guilty of cutting corners to do it ...
How To Get Over The Heartbreak of Losing Out on Your Dream Home
It's already stolen a piece of your heart. You’ve spent countless hours thinking about it. You know it’s a huge commitment, nothing like you’ve ever had before, but you’re more than ready for it. You had such big dreams and imagined the two of you growing old ...
6 Doable Resolutions To Help You Save For A Down Payment on A Home
Having enough money to put as a down payment is one of the biggest roadblocks to purchasing a house, especially to first time buyers. If you're one of the many people who aspire to turn their homeownership dream into a reality, you probably know that among the many things you need to start ...
The Ins and Outs of Giving or Receiving Down Payment Gifts
For many first time buyers, saving for a down payment is one of the most challenging steps in fulfilling their dream of purchasing a home. Oftentimes, they know they can afford their potential monthly mortgages (which could be less or equal their current rents), but the upfront costs of ...
The Rise of Multigenerational Living and the Challenges That Come With It
A multigenerational household is typically made up of aging parents, their adult children, and their teenage or young grandchildren. This setup has seen a steady rise in recent years, with over 64 million Americans living and sharing a multigenerational household, according to a 2018 Pew ...
7 Safety Tips to Prevent Kitchen Fires This Thanksgiving Holiday
We may have been cooking more at home ever since the COVID-19 pandemic hit, but the days leading to the Thanksgiving holiday are when most of us will spend the entire day in the kitchen preparing and cooking everything—from the glorious turkey, to potatoes, pumpkin pies, and any other ...
Fixed-Rate vs Adjustable-Rate Mortgage: Which Is Right For You?
Whether you're getting your first home loan or are re-entering the housing market after a long time, choosing a mortgage product is definitely a tricky affair. There are many factors to consider aside from your financial situation, such as the current interest rates, how long you plan to live ...
3 Huge Tips For Refinancing Your Mortgage Even If You Have Bad Credit
Refinancing your mortgage can help ease your financial burden and give you some breathing room. And with the current rates staying at an all-time low, it might be worthwhile to look into refinancing options so you can save money on your monthly payments. However, one of the biggest ...
Selling Your Home This Year? Avoid These 6 Mistakes For A Smooth Sale
Selling a home is no different from buying your first. It can be complicated, time-consuming, and emotionally challenging. There's no way you can just let go of your precious abode and easily trade your house keys for a sweet pile of money. This is why it’s easier enough to make ...
The Key Professionals You Need On Your Team When Buying A Home
The home buying process can be tricky and complex, and the last thing you'd want is to go at it alone. Your journey towards landing on your dream home can only be smooth sailing if you have an experienced and talented team of professionals to guide you in every step of the process. Even if ...
The Pros And Cons Of Buying A Property Near A Cemetery
Would you mind buying a home near a cemetery? Or do you think it could be a “grave” mistake, especially if you're on the hunt for your first home?With roughly over 144,000 cemeteries and graveyards located in the U.S., it isn’t surprising that many of them are located close ...